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Snippet from FEMERAID International Air Rescue as of 3 June 2021

WHO has decided to instigate the renaming of variants of COVID-19 in order to avoid stigmatisation and discrimination being labelled with the names of...

Snippet from FEMERAID International Air Rescue as of 31 May 2021

Two research studies published this week have examined and mapped the immune responses of 2 distinct groups of people in relation to COVID-19. Study Group...

Snippet from FEMERAID International Air Rescue as of 26-28 May 2021

The global downward trend in new COVID-19 cases has been very noticeable; the recent numbers have dropped below 500,000 new cases a day for...

Snippet from FEMERAID International Air Rescue as of 18 May 2021

Millions of people in the northern hemisphere are now dreaming of a well-deserved vacation after more than a year of confinement, fears and extreme...

Snippet from FEMERAID International Air Rescue as of 17 May 2021

As we promised in our previous snippet, today we look at the roll out rates of vaccination programmes by continent, reporting the percentage of...

Snippet from FEMERAID International Air Rescue as of 12 May 2021

The University of Washington believes that the actual number of deaths caused by the COVID-19 pandemic is far below reality in most countries. The...

Snippet from FEMERAID International Air Rescue as of 10 May 2021

It is unlikely that we will ever achieve zero cases of COVID-19 worldwide. However, if the numbers drop dramatically we can revert to our...

Snippet from FEMERAID International Air Rescue as of 3 May 2021

We know that many people are still afraid of taking the vaccines produced by AstraZeneca and J&J. Some people hesitate due to the reported...

Reimagining Diplomacy in the Post-COVID World: An Indian Perspective

We enter 2021, hoping to put the COVID-19 pandemic behind us. While each society has dealt with it uniquely, global diplomacy will nevertheless focus...

Snippet from FEMERAID International Air Rescue as of 28 April 2021

Why is the COVID-19 situation in India a threat to the rest of the world? The number of new infections a day in India is...

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