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Obituary – In Memoriam Sir Dr. József Polyák

In Memoriam Sir Dr. József Polyák (1938-2022) Brigadier General, famous bodyguard, 10-dan Karate and Jiu Jitsu Master, founder of the Hungarian Karate and Martial Arts...

The New Meaning of Security under COVID-19

Interview with Prof. George Popper, President of IBSSA Mr. Popper, how did the pandemic affect the operation of IBSSA? – The past year has been extremely...

Thank You Letter to IBSSA for the 10th Diplomatic Charity Fair in Budapest

The 10th Diplomatic Charity Fair took place in Intercontinental Budapest on the 21st November 2021, under the high patronage of Madame Anita Herczegh, spouse...

Honorary IBSSA Membership for H.E. David Nájera, Ambassador of Mexico to Hungary

In recent years, IBSSA has become increasingly successful in Mexico, where one of our corporate members has won the highest state award in the...

Florida International Chamber of Commerce News Release

Dr. András Niklós - Seminar Presenter The Florida International Chamber of Commerce was pleased to welcome Dr. András Niklós as their featured speaker, whose seminar...

QQAD – Approved Contractor by IBSSA

We proudly announce the signing of a contract between the International Bodyguard and Security Services Association (IBSSA) and the Qualification and Quality Assurance Department...

Report on the activities of IBSSA-AHTB Serbia from July to October 2022

The IBSSA (International Bodyguard and Security Services Association) Anti-Human Trafficking Bureau – Serbia, with the leadership of Mr. Zeljko Gajic, Director for European Operations,...

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