On the occasion of the Independence Day of Georgia and the 30th Anniversary of the Establishment of Diplomatic Relations between Georgia and Hungary, a “Georgian Cultural Day” was hosted by the Embassy of Georgia in Hungary at Eötvös Lóránt (ELTE) University in Budapest.

The event was attended by representatives of the Hungarian political, cultural and academic circles, diplomatic corps and the media, as well as Hungarian and international students.

The celebration was opened by H.E. Zaal Gogsadze, Ambassador of Georgia to Hungary and Prof. Dr. László Borhy, Rector of the University.

In his speech, the Ambassador spoke about Georgia’s accomplishments and challenges that the country has been facing since gaining its independence, the bilateral relations over the course of 30 years between Georgia and Hungary. He also underlined Georgia’s progress towards European integration and stressed the importance of Hungary’s support in this context.

Ambassador Gogsadze expressed his hope that the work done by our country on the path of the EU integration will be appropriately assessed, which will lay the foundation for the process of Georgia’s return to the large European family.
H.E. Anna Maria Sikó, Ambassador of Hungary to Georgia, addressed the audience in a video message and congratulated Georgia on the Independence Day.

The event was also addressed by the ELTE University professors, who delivered interesting reports and lectures on Georgian-Hungarian ties in the field of history, culture and literature:
- Zsigmond Benedek, Caucasologist, teacher of Georgian and Armenian cultures and languages, gave a brief overview of the history of Georgian studies in Hungary,
- Bálint Mezei, Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Humanities: Some Aspects of Relations Between Hungary and Georgia in the 20th Century,
- Tamás Körmendi, Habil. Associate Professor at the Faculty of Humanities: The Georgian Sources of the Early History of the Hungarian People,
- Anna Porkoláb, MA Student at the Faculty of Humanities: The Life and Works of the Hungarian painter, Mihály Zichy,
- András Patrik Erdős, PhD Student at the Faculty of Humanities: From a Prisoner of War to a Captive of the Caucasus – The Life of Lajos Tardy and His Connection to Georgia.
Georgian students from ELTE University – Tamuna Japharidze, Young Ambassador of Georgia to Hungary, and Anna Brjezovskaya, International Student Ambassador gave a presentation titled “The History of the Braves – Georgia’s Fight for Independence”.

The Hungarian band “Vardis Kucha” performed Georgian and Hungarian songs.

After the official part, a reception was held offering Georgian wine and dishes to the guests.
Happy Independence Day!

By Nana Khurtsilava
Embassy of Georgia to Hungary