The Air Rescue Team of FEMERAID International informs all our members, Knights and Dames of the Sovereign Order of Saint John of Jerusalem, Knights of Malta, Federation of the Autonomous Priories (KMFAP) about the followings:
We want to deal with the topic of wearing masks in the fight against the spread of COVID-19.
Many people are very tired of having to wear a mask on the street, in closed public places and in our workplace.
Some people have expressed concerns about the constant and prolonged use of the mask, fearing that it could in fact cause damage to health.
According to a study published last week by the American Federal Agency of Research (NIH), the exact opposite is found in mask-wearing effects against COVID-19.

The study finds that the humidity generated by breathing inside the masks causes extra hydration of the airways, which in turn reinforces the immune system by producing a special protein called “interferons”. This protein actually helps reduce the spread of the virus and therefore delays it.
Obviously, if something to the detriment of our health from the wearing masks had been proven during the 2nd & 3rd waves, it would have already been acted upon with different hygiene protocols – this is not the case.
More importantly, we have seen that the correct use and wearing of masks significantly reduces the number of cases and therefore saves lives.
Please stick to wearing a mask and don’t forget to save the planet and dispose of used masks responsibly.
23rd February 2021