Edited by Anna Popper
The official opening of the “New World” exhibition from selected works by Sophie Magalashvili, a Budapest-based Georgian painter and multimedia artist, took place at the Nagyházi Contemporary Gallery and Auction House (Falk Miksa street) in September 2022.

The event was attended by representatives of Hungarian cultural, artistic and academic circles, the Diplomatic Corps and the media.

H.E. Zaal Gogsadze, Ambassador of Georgia addressed the audience, highlighting the symbolic significance of the exhibition in the context of the 30th Anniversary of the Establishment of Diplomatic Relations between Georgia and Hungary.

Mr. Lőrincz Nagyházi, Founder of the gallery and Mr. William Guba, Art Historian and Connoisseur, the curator of the exhibition, spoke about Sophie’s works, who considers herself as a Happy Painter!

“This is the simultaneously sublime and raw power of performative painting. A very, very rare breed of visual arts. The solution, not the problem. That type which is capable to make us perceive, may then even teach us to see.”
The very talented young artist, Sophie’s “universe full of kindness, peace and light” met with great deal of interest and approval from the visitors.

The exhibition was jointly organised by the Embassy of Georgia, the Nagyházi Contemporary Gallery and Auction House (situated in the area of Antique stores and Galleries of Budapest), and the Young Ambassador of Georgia to Hungary, Ms. Tamuna Japharidze.
At the reception, following the official part of the event, excellent Georgian specialities and wines were presented to the attendees.
Source: Embassy of Georgia in Budapest